Decimal to Octal Converter | number conversion

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Hexadecimal number (Base 16) :

Decimal to Octal Conversion

A Decimal number system is a base 10 number system. It means that a decimal number can be formed by using any of the 0-9 digits (10 base elements). On the other hand, the octal number system has base 8. It means that an octal number can be formed by using any of the 0-7 digits (8 base elements).

To convert a decimal number into equivalent octal value we need to use the tabular division method like we used in decimal to binary conversion process. Just instead of dividing the decimal number by 2 we need to divide it by 8 and write the remainders as answer bottom to up.

So in decimal is equivalent to in octal number system. You can verify this with above octal to decimal converter.

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